Cocaine is highly addictive. Most people think that it is not possible to become addicted to cocaine. People think this is impossible because cocaine use does not come with the same symptoms of withdrawal that other drugs like heroin or methamphetamine have. Instead, the addiction to cocaine is psychological. There are plenty of cocaine addicts who do not understand why it is that they are unable to stay away from the drug.
One of the most common symptoms of cocaine addiction is the pairing of cocaine with other drugs. Usually these drugs are in the form of sedatives. Cocaine addicts will often travel with Valium, alcohol, or even heroin to help counteract the cocaine affects when they decide that they want to come down off of the drug. It is because of this that many people who suffer from cocaine addictions will suffer from other drug addictions and alcoholism as well.
The first step to finding drug treatment for your cocaine addiction is, obviously, admitting to yourself that you cannot stop using the drug. You will not be the first cocaine addict to say "cocaine is not supposed to be addictive but I cannot stop using it. I need help." You should be very proud that you have taken the first step toward finding drug addiction treatment and overcoming your disease.
The second step to finding the drug treatment center that will work for you is to figure out what kind of drug addiction treatment center will work best for you and your cocaine addiction. This involves asking yourself some hard questions: Are you a social creature or do you find that you feel more comfortable in solitary conditions? Do you respond better to praise or criticism? Do you need somebody to get after you when you slip up or do you do better when you are shielded from harshness? While you ask yourself these questions it is important to be honest. Do not answer these questions based on who you want to be but on who you already are.
The third step is deciding which of the two major types of drug addiction treatment centers will work best for you. Out patient programs work best for people who have a strong social support system to help them work through their cocaine addictions. In patient drug addiction treatment centers work better for people who do not have the confidence to overcome their drug addictions on their own. Many people find that sequestering themselves from their usual routine is the best way to break their cocaine addicted habits.
Eventually you will decide upon a drug addiction treatment center for your cocaine addiction and when you do it is important that you understand what a large step you are taking. Getting sober and overcoming a cocaine addiction is never easy, but you will be grateful for your sobriety once you have achieved it. Nothing will feel better than beating the drug that is not supposed to be addictive at all! Congratulations on beginning to overcome your cocaine addiction!
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