!: Promotional Drug Dealer: Parts 1 & 2 Order Now
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Post Date : Nov 13, 2011 19:24:08

"Drug Dealer" parts 1&2, is the movie that you must read. This two part novel is the first double book ever written in the genre of urban fiction. The story line itself is based on a character named Tyrell Nobles (Ty) who at a very young age becomes exposed to the game of selling cocaine. Throughout his travels, you will come to learn how flamboyance, violence, sex, money and power depicted in the criminal lifestyle of drug dealing all connect to the influential and extremely powerful political world right here in our very own Nation's capital. After reading this action and suspense packed novel set, no longer will you be in the dark to the mystery behind who calls all the shots as to when, where, and how much cocaine is brought and sold in this country -- and how all those who stand in the way are dealt with...
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